May we always get God's love, that's what every slave should look for in every heartbeat and every breath.
Alhamdulillah wa shalaatu wa salaamu 'ala Rosulillah wa' ala wa wa shohbihi wa man tabi'ahum bi ihsaanin ilaa yaumid was invited.
Brother, really everyone wants to get God's love. Then how do I get the love. Ibn al-Qayyim (may Allah be pleased with him) mentioned some things in order to obtain this purpose in his book Madarijus Salikin.
First, read the Qur'an by contemplating and understanding its meaning. This can be done as someone understands a book that he memorizes and must get an explanation of the contents of the book. This is all done to understand what the author of the book meant. [Then so can that be done to the Qur'an, pen]
Second, closer to God by doing the Teaching of our prophet Muhammad , that Called as sunnah, after doing mandatory worship. With this someone will reach a more noble level of being a person who gets the love of God and not just being a lover.
Third, constantly remembering God in every circumstance, either by heart and by mouth or by his deeds. Remember, the love of God will be obtained simply by the state of dhikr to Him.
Fourth, prefers the love of God rather than the love of himself when he is overcome by his desires. Similarly, he always wanted to increase his love for Him, despite having to go through various difficulties.
Fifth, contemplating, caring and acknowledging the greatness of God's name and nature. Similarly his heart always try to think of the name and nature of God repeatedly. Whoever knows God correctly through his name, nature and deeds, then he must love God.
Sixth, pay attention to the goodness, favor and grace of God that He has given us, both inward and inner favors. This is the encouraging factor to love Him.
Seventh, this is so special-that is to bring the heart as a whole when doing obedience to God by contemplating the meaning contained in it.
Eighth, aloof with God in the last third of the night to worship and communicate to Him and recite His Word (Qur'an). Then end it with istighfar and repent to Him.
Ninth, sitting with people who love God and with the shidiqin. Then picking up those fruit-like words that are so delicious. Then he did not put out the word unless it was clearly BENEFICIAL and known that with these words will increase the usefulness for him and also for others.
Tenth, away from all the causes that can hinder between himself and Allah Ta'ala.
May we always get God's love, that's what every slave should look for in every heartbeat and every breath. Ibn al-Qayyim said that the key to getting it all is to prepare the soul (heart) and open the eyes of the heart.
Alhamdulillahilladzi bi ni'matihi tatimmush sholihaat. Wa shallalahu 'ala nabiyyina Muhammad wa' ala senti wa shohbihi wa sallam.
Source: Madaarijus Saalikin, 3 / 16-17, Ibn Qayyim Al Jauziyah, published by Darul Hadith Al Qohiroh
Writer: Abduh ,
Translator : Ahamed
Alhamdulillah wa shalaatu wa salaamu 'ala Rosulillah wa' ala wa wa shohbihi wa man tabi'ahum bi ihsaanin ilaa yaumid was invited.
Brother, really everyone wants to get God's love. Then how do I get the love. Ibn al-Qayyim (may Allah be pleased with him) mentioned some things in order to obtain this purpose in his book Madarijus Salikin.
First, read the Qur'an by contemplating and understanding its meaning. This can be done as someone understands a book that he memorizes and must get an explanation of the contents of the book. This is all done to understand what the author of the book meant. [Then so can that be done to the Qur'an, pen]
Second, closer to God by doing the Teaching of our prophet Muhammad , that Called as sunnah, after doing mandatory worship. With this someone will reach a more noble level of being a person who gets the love of God and not just being a lover.
Third, constantly remembering God in every circumstance, either by heart and by mouth or by his deeds. Remember, the love of God will be obtained simply by the state of dhikr to Him.
Fourth, prefers the love of God rather than the love of himself when he is overcome by his desires. Similarly, he always wanted to increase his love for Him, despite having to go through various difficulties.
Fifth, contemplating, caring and acknowledging the greatness of God's name and nature. Similarly his heart always try to think of the name and nature of God repeatedly. Whoever knows God correctly through his name, nature and deeds, then he must love God.
Sixth, pay attention to the goodness, favor and grace of God that He has given us, both inward and inner favors. This is the encouraging factor to love Him.
Seventh, this is so special-that is to bring the heart as a whole when doing obedience to God by contemplating the meaning contained in it.
Eighth, aloof with God in the last third of the night to worship and communicate to Him and recite His Word (Qur'an). Then end it with istighfar and repent to Him.
Ninth, sitting with people who love God and with the shidiqin. Then picking up those fruit-like words that are so delicious. Then he did not put out the word unless it was clearly BENEFICIAL and known that with these words will increase the usefulness for him and also for others.
Tenth, away from all the causes that can hinder between himself and Allah Ta'ala.
May we always get God's love, that's what every slave should look for in every heartbeat and every breath. Ibn al-Qayyim said that the key to getting it all is to prepare the soul (heart) and open the eyes of the heart.
Alhamdulillahilladzi bi ni'matihi tatimmush sholihaat. Wa shallalahu 'ala nabiyyina Muhammad wa' ala senti wa shohbihi wa sallam.
Source: Madaarijus Saalikin, 3 / 16-17, Ibn Qayyim Al Jauziyah, published by Darul Hadith Al Qohiroh
Writer: Abduh ,
Translator : Ahamed
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